By Gary Hendry
Jigs have been used to entice fish for a very long time. They have evolved over the years to become more effective in fishing. Jigs are arguably the most effective baits today. But what exactly is a jig? A jig is a type of artificial fishing lure that consists of a lead sinker with a hook molded into it and usually covered by strands of silicone attached to the painted lead head to form a skirt. Jigs are designed to create a jerky motion in water to attract fish. A jig is used together with a lightweight, heavy-duty fishing rod, fishing reel, and a strong fishing line to catch fish. Today, it’s common to find jigs accessorized with things like weed guards and rattles.
Types of jigs
- Standard jig
- Swim jig
- Football head jig
- Trailers
- Craws
- Chucks and grubs
How to do jig fishing
Select a strong fishing rod and fishing line
You can effectively fish a jig if you’re using a strong fishing rod and fishing line. A sturdy fishing rod makes it easier to handle bigger fish and can withstand the pressures of heavy-duty game fishing. There are many different models of fishing rods to choose from. A strong fishing line will allow you pull in bigger fish without breaking or stretching. A study fishing line will also stand up to the rigors of thick cover in different fishing conditions.
Choose the best jig
Choose a jig based on the fishing tackle you’re using and the type of fish you’re fishing for. To maximize your catch, consider using a jig that resembles the prey of the kind of fish you’re angling for. It’s a good idea to use smaller jigs when angling for smaller fish and larger jigs when fishing for bigger fish such as bass and walleye.
Set up your fishing rod and cast out the fishing line. Ensure you aim your fishing line at the spot where you want the jig to land. After casting your fishing line, give the jig a few seconds to hit the bottom. Heavier jigs will take some time to reach the bottom of the water.
Make recurring motions
Once the jig has reached the bottom, instigate motions by jigging the fishing rod tip up and down and sideways, and allowing the jig the sink back to the bottom. The recurring motions will attract the attention of fish you’re angling for. Occasionally, you may reel in your line steadily so the jig can move through the water to simulate swimming action.
Focus on your fishing line and reel in when you get a bite
Keep an eye on your fishing line as you wait for fish to bite. You’ll know fish has gone for the jig when your fishing line starts to develop some form of resistance as the fish pulls on the line. Ensure you hold onto the fishing rod tightly and engage the fishing reel to pull in your catch.
Hopefully, this guide will help you learn how to fish a jig for a better catch the next time you go fishing.